The best marketing programs do not try to be all things to all people. What they do is be one thing to a certain group of people. With this approach, a marketing program fine-tunes and delivers a highly-specialized message to people who are hungry for the message they are delivering.
Why does this work? It works because a specialized marketing campaign speaks a special message to a special group who has great interest in the product. If your affiliate product is snowboards, you would want to market them to younger outdoor sports, even extreme sports, enthusiasts. It does not mean that a spunky senior with lots of time and energy on his or her hands would not buy one. It means you should not direct your marketing program to a broad spectrum of consumers who may generate only a small percentage of your sales.
You want the greatest return for your marketing budget. That means marketing your affiliate product to the group that brings in the most sales. You will still get peripheral sales as a matter of course. A poor marketing program uses a wide net approach and goes after all kinds of fish in the hopes of landing the marlins they are really after. They could be trawling for a long time before reaping any kind of reward.
A good marketing program answers questions they already know a niche market is asking. Every aspect of the marketing program focuses on the concerns that a specific niche has and offers solutions to them. All advertising, banner advertising, website content, article writing, online forum discussions and the like focus on supplying relevant, timely information to a specific market segment.
That snowboard niche market wants web articles on the trendiest locales to spray up some snow. They want to see advertising that shows them why your snowboard material and design performs better than others. They want to see what is new in snowboards for the coming season and what you have to offer. A good marketing program knows its niche and supplies them what they want. A poor marketing program hopes it knows its niche and involves itself in unfocused article marketing, advertising and website content that talks to no one in specific.
A good marketer knows where marketing efforts should go. A poor marketer thinks efforts should go everywhere.
A good marketing campaign engages in article distribution to a select group of niche publishers that concentrate their content on a group of consumers totally interested in their product. A poor marketing program engages in article distribution that sends their snowboard articles to a publisher of political topics.
A good marketing program advertises in online or offline snowboard magazines, on snowboard organization websites and forums. A poor marketing program advertises in general interest publications and general forums where they garner a very small percentage of interest.
In a nutshell, a good marketing program zeros in on a target and does not stray from its path until it reaches it. A poor marketing program takes scenic tours to unknown areas because it does not know its intended destination in the first place. As they say, if you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there. You may have fun with a poor marketing program, and you may be laughing, but it would not be all the way to the bank.
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