When articles are distributed through mass article submission, we have the home internet business engine, which is more powerful than any other strategy.
1. What Is The Great Idea Of Article Submission, The Objectives? a. To get organic traffic from the search engines. Free, long term, targeted traffic, that`s the best we all want. By writing articles about the internet business opportunity and submitting them to article directories, we can increase the search engine ranking, which (if successful) brings the targeted internet marketing traffic residually.
b. To get targeted article directory traffic. The article directory traffic works in a simple way: the more article directories you use, the more traffic your internet business will get.
The article directories are the most visited website online, which means a nice flow of very targeted visitors, because the directory articles are divided into categories.
Cite build backlinks. Many search engines, like Google, regard backlinks as votes from other internet business sites to your site and this increases the popularity and the usefulness of your internet business opportunity for the search engine customers, the searchers.
Lots of backlinks from high PR sites increases the search engine ranking and the mass submissions to directories and websites create these links quickly and easily.
The search engines evaluate these one way links higher than the two ways, reciprocal links, because they are based on the barter deal: we agree to place links on both parties’ sites.
And the page rank among the first 3 sites on the result page brings targeted, residual traffic.
Ditto bring traffic from the related sites. The link on the home internet business site is a kind of a recommendation to visit that site. If the linking site is related, this traffic is very welcome.
2. The Question about the Duplicate Content. The issue of duplicate content pops up every time, when we submit articles by mass submission and whether we will get some penalty from the search engines?
The answer can be found from the target of article submission. The idea is to build lots of backlinks from lots of related directories, not to rank high on the search engines.
I have never had problems with this issue and I have published hundreds of articles through mass distribution.
But I will never use the same article twice, i.e. I never publish same articles on my site and by mass article submission.
I also publish articles in the hand-picked, quality article directories, like EzineArticles.com, because if the keywords (at least the main one) are small enough, or realistic, EzineArticles can throw my article to a very high position on the search engines. This article submission I do always with an original article.
3. Shall We Use The Long Tail Or High Demand Keywords? I see this issue as a question about the competition: is it easier to climb high on the search engine result page of an extremely high demand keyword or on the several lower demand keywords pages.
Or: do I benefit more to be among the top 3 sites on the low-demand keyword result page and get tens of site visitors per day, than to be number 120 on the result page of the high demand keyword, which will bring my site next to nothing.
The secret is to use realistic keywords, even small ones, but to use the "long tail keyword" strategy. This way we optimize our article with several keywords.
That`s all this time, successful optimization! Like Ted Turner said: early to bed, early to rise, work like hell and advertise!
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