Saturday, July 26, 2008

Affiliate Web Site Marketing Sales Tips

If you build it, they will come. This may be true if you have the perfect field of dreams baseball park. But in affiliate web site marketing sales, just building a webpage, doesn't mean potential visitors will come and buy from your affiliate links.

As an affiliate manager, it amazes me just how many basic one page website are started from what in the super affiliate Internet marketing promotion business are referred to as the "weekend affiliate warrior". Some weekend affiliate warriors simply, enjoy the hobby of affiliate marketing; others have a dream of making thousands of dollars overnight. The facts are, that if you are disciplined and systematic with your affiliate web site from day 1, you can build a solid business, and develop one of the best affiliate web site marketing promotions business beginning on day one.

Affiliate Web Site Marketing Sales Tip #1

Affiliate Web Site Content is King: You need to focus your affiliate web site content to provide your audience a resource with specific information. A one page banner loaded page just isn't going to draw visitors. What attracts the search engines (and therefore the visitors) to affiliate web sites is its informative content. So don't just post banner ads, but write articles of advice on best ways to use the produce or service. Also think about recipes, how to guides and other use-full information that you could write about as unique affiliate web site content.

Affiliate Web Site Marketing Sales Tip #2

Build Word of Mouth Affiliate Marketing: The best super affiliate Internet marketing businesses use word of mouth affiliate marketing. There is a huge market for affiliate coupons and rebates sites. Some of the best super affiliate coupon web sites have gained their exposure through optimized press releases. Not only does this create a viral buzz with consumers but a good sit can achieve the ultimate goal of getting free large scale media coverage about their super affiliate marketing business. Consider building a refer-a-friend program. Perhaps you can market your service to a very specific niche. If you have a charitable cause that you wish to support, consider developing a site that gives a portion of its profit back, and let the charity know about it.

Affiliate Web Site Marketing Sales Tip #3

Become A "Home Coming King": One way to get your affiliate web site Internet marketing promotions business to the top of the search engine rankings is by becoming a "home coming king".. "Home Coming Kings" gain lots of traffic by getting others to link back to you. The one with the most links wins. You can drive these links by providing content and choosing targeted keywords.. For an example, type in "miserable failure" in Google and you'll see the top ranking result is George Bush on This is the keyword that our president has won in link votes from the online website community.

Now that you understand why you want to become home coming king, let's discuss some of the best strategies to winning these votes. You can write an article like this one and submit it to article directory sites. You can post in the comment sections of blogs and message boards. But the best links come from other targeted websites that you may need to ask to link to your site. One possible way is to come up with a trusted logo. This could be an award, or a seal of approval that others will post on their site which says that they are a trusted partner or that their product been reviewed by your site. Make sure your logo has a built in text link.. You're now offering something of value to have other websites give you the votes to becoming the affiliate Internet web site marketing promotions business for your affiliate web site marketing niche.

So, if you build it, will they come? Yes, that is if you find your affiliate web site market niche through quality content, good value for visitors, and win your votes to becoming a home coming king. Try these three affiliate web site marketing sales tips and check out our super affiliate marketing tips blog and website below and you just may become the best affiliate Internet web site marketing promotions business for your online affiliate web site niche.

Article Source:

By: Brian Hawkins

About the Author:

Brian Hawkins manages Pingo's prepaid phone card affiliate program and shares super affiliate web site marketing sales tips online at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Incorporating LSI

Incorporating LSI Into Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

If you want your web site to be a success, your web site marketing strategies must keep up with the changes made by various search engines. Search engine marketing is constantly evolving, and webmasters need to evolve with it. Search engine marketing changes that must be addressed and incorporated into your marketing strategies for increased web site traffic include Latent Semantic Indexing, also known as LSI.

What is LSI?

Patented in 1988, LSI was first incorporated into Google's ranking system in 2006. The LSI concept is groundbreaking for search engine marketing and web site marketing strategies because it changes the way a search engine interprets and ranks web pages. With the old ranking system, relevant pages were determined by keywords and keyword phrases alone. If the search engine didn't find any keywords, the page was considered

irrelevant to the user, and ranked accordingly. This left many webmasters scrambling to jam their pages with keywords for increased web site traffic.

Changing Your Web Site Marketing Strategies

LSI significantly changes the way webmasters need to use search engine marketing for increased web site traffic, because the search engine will be looking at a page in the same way a human does-concentrating on content and relevancy, and essentially classifying the web page as a whole.

For webmasters who use web site marketing strategies that rely heavily on pages that incorporate only one keyword or keyword phrase, and do not include other content that is semantically close and relevant, this could be a problem, and may result in decreased rather than increased web site traffic. Webmasters, who on the other hand, have developed web pages and web site marketing strategies that rely on natural content that incorporates both keywords and keyword alternatives, should have no problem. They will see increased web site traffic without having to change their search engine marketing techniques.

If you are wondering how you can implement web site marketing strategies that achieve increased web site traffic and are more compatible with LSI, you should focus on creating quality content that includes keywords, keyword alternatives, and mixed anchor text. Including variation and words that relate to the general theme of the page will be the best technique you can employ now that the rules of search engine marketing have changed.

The key is to move forward and not get frustrated with the change. LSI is a positive step for search engines and webmasters alike. By gearing your web site marketing strategies to compliment the changes, you can create a better web site and get the increased web site traffic you need to be a success.

Article Source:

By: Cliff Posey Jr

About the Author:

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates . Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Web Site Marketing Strategies For Your Business

So you have done it, you finally got your web site up, and ready for business. Now its time for you to sit back and watch those orders start rolling in . . . right? . . .Wrong! You now need to start proper web site marketing strategies to start driving the traffic to your site, to start generating the sales that you need. The internet is no different than the main street store. No traffic, no sales. Good web site marketing strategies designed for your business will ensure your web site's success.

You are probably being bombarded daily with emails like "blast your web site to billions" and "top search engine rankings in 10 days", if it was only so easy. On the internet you will find tens of thousands suggestions on web site marketing strategies, but the good news is, there are only a small handful of web site marketing strategies that really work, and these are all you need

Below I will list in my opinion the twelve web site marketing strategies that will work to drive traffic to your site.

1) An Autoresponder - To some of you reading, you may not yet know what an autoresponder is, but you need to get one, learn how to use it, as your online business grows, it will become you secretary, and will be building you list of prospects and customers so you can communicate with them often. Make sure your web site has an opt-in form where you visitors can join your newsletter.

2) Traffic Exchanges - You need to get traffic to your site and have your product or business exposed to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. Join as many of these traffic exchanges as possible, surf for credits, or buy credits, and get some traffic to your site.

3) Forum Marketing - Join your industry specific online forms and start communication with other members and start exposing your web site to them.

4) Pay Per Click Advertising. Learn the PPC business and start running some ads. PPC advertising like Google Adwords, let you drive targeted advertising to your site immediately.

5) Classified Advertising - Start posting 5 online classified ads every day on a variety of online classified advertising sites. Web site marketing strategies like this and PPC allow you to get traffic to your site now, as you are waiting for some of the other methods to start working

6) Article Writing - Still one of my favourite web site marketing strategies. You're reading this article right now, right? Maybe when you are done you will visit my site below, that's how article writing works.

7) Blogging - Start you own blog about your business and industry. Start posting to it every other day, and linking back to your web site.

8) Ezine Solo Ads - Rent someone list today and send out an email about your business to the subscribers of that Ezine. Pick an Ezine that is relative to your market. Ezine readers are always interested in reading your offer.

9) SEO and Linking - Talk to a professional search engine submission company to see how they can help you. Create a linking campaign with others you know in the business to link back to your site.

10) Social Networking - Join some of the more popular social networking sites out there, join the business groups relative to your business, start adding friends, and exposing your product and service to them. Social Networking is one of the most powerful web site marketing strategies available today.

11) Web 2.0 - Web 2.0 has recently revolutionaries the internet. Sites like Squidoo and bookmarking sites will drastically increase traffic to your site.

12) A Schedule - This is the most important part of your web site marketing strategies. Make a weekly schedule for yourself, on which of the above marketing tactics you are going to do on a daily basis, and follow that schedule religiously.

Doing these above twelve web site marketing strategies on a daily and weekly bases will ensure the success of your online business. As you can see, there is work to getting traffic to your web site, and it will not happen overnight. Many people I have talked to quit doing the things above after 30 days and they say "it does not work". Sorry folks, the truth to that statement is that they (the person) is not willing to work. Carry on with these web site marketing strategies for three, six, and twelve months, and you will have success in your new online venture.

Article Source:

By: Rodney Larrivee

About the Author:

Rod Larrivee is a successful online marketer and SEO expert and works with many businesses helping them drive traffic to their site. Rod offers a free 8 week video course on web site marketing strategies on his web site. Click here to visit his site .

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Web Site Marketing Strategy

What is your purpose in having good web site marketing strategy? You need to be clear about this at first. Even before you decide to make huge profits or another income boost. It is to provide visibility to your business in the online arena.

It is not very much different than an off line business. Your profits depends on how people are able to find you. So, your own web site marketing strategy will help boost your profits massively.

If you have ever heard from the likes of Amazon or eBay, I'm sure you are no newcomer to the Internet marketing world. This marks a better middle ground for your learning today. Let's just get on with the 3 tips to increase your profits using a definite web site marketing strategy.

Tip #1: Keep It Simple, Silly!

Both you and I know that the Internet world must be a technical place, right? Wrong. You can see that the very same people who are profiting are not necessary geeks or technologists. All it takes is that you start planning a very simple web site marketing strategy.

It does not take long to create one. Choose a Sunday afternoon or anytime when you are relaxed and start drawing a bubble in a clean sheet of paper with the words 'my web site marketing strategy'. Then, draw three other bubbles connected to that main bubble.

Try it. I'm teaching you how to mind-map the easy way too. Don't try to be creative just stay calm.

Tip #2: Learn Only What You Need

There are times when my friends gets so engrossed with their web site marketing strategy they decide to learn the latest and best of tips online. You do not want to learn everything which is linked to your web site marketing strategy. Just focus on the major things you need.

Now you have got the 3 bubbles mapped out. Next, write down website, competition and traffic. I have to stress the importance for you to learn a little about HTML language. This will help when you want to make small changes to your website.

Your web site marketing strategy syllabus should also include about learning how to generate web traffic.

Tip #3: Get To Know Your Competition

When I first started out, I really wanted a push-button solution. After years of doing my own effective web site marketing strategy, I found out there isn't any guaranteed solutions. Competition exists and that it the reason why you will face challenges.

Now, I don't mean you go out and get a 'buddy relationship' with them. What you can do is to study them and try to be aware of what they are doing. Information is crucial and that would make the last bubble for your web site marketing strategy action plan. Hey, great alliances are formed by healthy competition.

Let's wrap up. Your complete web site marketing strategy should follow the 3 tips in accordance. First, keep it simple. Simplicity is key to your sanity. Learn only what you need to make profits in your web site marketing strategy. Last but not least, always get to know your competition. They might have more tips than you can imagine.

Article Source:

By: Vern How Chan

About the Author:

Vern How has been earning online since June 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

Find out the hottest marketing musings at Online Marketing Business

For more information on a fool-proof strategy to profiting massively on the Internet, check out more Web Site Marketing Strategy Secrets !

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Web Site Marketing

How to increase your affiliate web site marketing income…

Whether you are interested in creating a stable primary source of income online or just looking to supplement your existing income through marketing affiliate programs…increasing your earning potential will be a constant concern. After all, the goal of any business venture is ultimately to maximize profits.

As an affiliate marketer there are two ways in which you can increase your affiliate web site marketing income. This is simply based upon the method in which affiliate programs work. Regardless of the type or program (i.e. pay per sale, pay per lead, etc.), all affiliate programs are all performance based commission opportunities. When you refer customers to your affiliate company’s website and the customer completes a certain action like filling out a form or making a sale, you receive a commission.

Therefore, to increase your commissions you really only have two options. Increase the number of customers you refer to your affiliate company’s sales site or increase the number of customers who complete the desired action once they arrive there. This second aspect of the affiliate commission equation is also known as your conversion rate or CR.

Increasing the number of customers you refer is of the two options available, the one which you undoubtedly have the most direct control over. The reason being is that the number of referrals you make is directly tied to the success of your own affiliate web site marketing efforts. Whether you market through banner ads, pay-per-click marketing, or what have you, once the customer arrives at the destination site the rest of the process is largely out of your hands.

Realistically, your CR will tend to vary anywhere from 1% to about 10% on the high end. But, how can you manage your all important CR? I say all important for a very important reason. Increasing referral traffic is of course one of you main objectives as an affiliate web site marketing professional, however which would you rather have? Would you rather have 500 referrals with a 1% conversion rate or 100 referrals with a 10% conversion rate? As you can see here, generating 5 times the referral traffic earns you…lets see; half the commission?

A fundamental difference between generating referral traffic and managing CR is this. Traffic generation and affiliate promotion will always cost you, either in time or money. Managing CR however, doesn’t cost any additional time or money. Your CR will directly reflect several important things.

How you reach your prospects…

What you say to your prospects once you reach them…

How you refer you prospects to your merchant site…

To effectively manage your conversion rates pay close attention each phase of your referral process to make sure you do the best possible job preparing customers to have an open-mind once they arrive at your merchant site. Pre-selling your prospects will make all the difference in increasing you CR.

In summary, you’ll want to focus on two goals to greatly increase you affiliate web site marketing income. Your first goal will be to maximize the amount of targeted traffic to your affiliate merchants by only spending time and money that produce maximum profit for you. Your second goal is to maximize your conversion rates by making the proper adjustments within your referral process to produce the best possible results.

By: The Maverick Marketeer

Article Source:

Friday, July 18, 2008

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at

At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by and how it is used.

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons does not use cookies.

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include Google Adsense, .

These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see. has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.'s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.